

Each organisation or individual has to publish its own ULCDocKernel smart contract. The kernel is used to explicitly publish signatures to the blockchain. This way, the owner of the published ULCDocKernel smart contract has a complete and independent way to certify documents.

The kernel has 3 main features :

  • Multi-Owner ability
  • Native timestamp tracking
  • Undestroyable signatures

Multi-Owner and Multi-Operator ability

For most organization, one person cannot do dangerous actions alone, such as signing official documents. As such, the kernel has the ability to wait for multiple confirmations before doing anything, like publishing a signature, or changing critical configuration parameters.


ULCDocKernel has 2 levels of administrative rights:

  • operators can only push, confirm and revoke signatures.
  • owners are administrators of the Smart Contract. In addition to having operator’s rights, they can also change sensible parameters.

In order to do something on the Smart Contract, like signing or changing parameters, you need to call a requester. This requester will record you request and only process it if it reaches operatorsForChange (respectively ownersForChange) request count.


An account can’t be owner and operator at the same time.

By default, ULCDocKernel is configurated to work with only one owner account (and no operators). If you use the kernel with only one owner, all your requests will be done immediately (as ownersForChange will be set to 1);.


When you want to do an action, requesters will create a keccak256 hash of the request and store it inside a mapping.

mapping(bytes32 => address[]) public doOwnerRequest;
mapping(bytes32 => address[]) public doOperatorRequest;

Then, each time an address requests the same action, it will be added into an array. The action will be processed only when the array’s length reaches the value operatorsForChange or ownersForChange.


By default, the creator of the smart contract is the owner, and everything is configurated to work with only one confirmation, as explained above.

constructor() public {
    owners[msg.sender] = true;
    ownerCount = 1;
    ownersForChange = 1;
    operatorsForChange = 1;


Bellow are the variables used by the smart contract for operator management:

uint256 public ownerCount;
uint256 public ownersForChange;

uint256 public operatorCount;
uint256 public operatorsForChange;

mapping (address => bool) public owners;
mapping(bytes32 => address[]) public doOwnerRequest;

mapping (address => bool) public operators;
mapping(bytes32 => address[]) public doOperatorRequest;

event OwnershipNewInteractor(address indexed newOwner);

event OwnershipLossInteractor(address indexed oldOwner);

event OwnershipTransferred(
    address indexed previousOwner,
    address indexed newOwner

event OperatorNewInteractor(address indexed newOperator);

event OperatorLossInteractor(address indexed oldOperator);

event OperatorshipTransferred(
    address indexed previousOperator,
    address indexed newOperator


The ULCDocKernel smart contract lets you use different functions to interact with it, detailled bellow:

Setters (Requesters)

These functions allow you to manage owners and operators for this kernel. Keep in mind these behave like requesters, and as such need enough confirmations to work.

// Set the number of operators needed for confirmation
function setOperatorsForChange(uint256 _nb) external onlyOwner {}

// Set the number of owners needed for confirmation
function setOwnersForChange(uint256 _nb) external onlyOwner {}

// Add a new kernel owner
function requestAddOwner(address _newOwner) external onlyOwner{}

// Add a new kernel operator
function requestAddOperator(address _newOperator) external onlyOwner {}

// Transfer kernel's ownership
function requestChangeOwner(address _oldOwner, address _newOwner) external onlyOwner{}

// Remove a kernel owner
function requestRemoveOwner(address _removableOwner) external onlyOwner{}

// Remove a kernel operator
function requestRemoveOperator(address _removableOperator) external onlyOwner{}


These functions allow you to get information on the kernel. As these are not requesters, you do not need to have enough confirmations to use them.

//Returns all adresses who approved the keccak256 operator request
function getOperatorRequest(bytes32 _theKey) external view returns(address[] memory) {}

//Returns numbers of operators who confirmed the keccak256 request.
function getOperatorRequestLength(bytes32 _theKey) external view returns(uint256) {}

//Returns all adresses who approved the keccak256 owner request
function getOwnerRequest(bytes32 _theKey) external view returns(address[] memory) {}

//Returns the number of owners who confirmed the keccak256 request.
function getOwnerRequestLength(bytes32 _theKey) external view returns(uint256) {}

Signature Storing


ULCDocKernel has a struct called Document which has all information about a signed document.

struct Document {
      bool initialized;
      bool signed;
      bool revoked;

      uint256 signed_date;
      uint256 revoked_date;
      uint16 document_family;
      uint8 signature_version;

      string revoked_reason;
      string source;
      string extra_data;

By default, the EVM makes all var set to false, 0, or "".

  • initialized is set to true as soon as someone starts to try signing a document. When it is activated, you cannot push an another version of the document. This is a security measure to prevent deleting or cheating about the fact that you sign some extra data, document family and so on.
  • signed is set to true as soon as the document has enough confirmations. It is the only field you need to trust to know if something has been signed or not.
  • revoked is set to true as soon as the document has enough revoke requests from operators.
  • signed_date is the UNIX timestamp (result of block.timestamp in solidity) of the block where signature has been officially sent.
  • revoked_date is the UNIX timestamp (result of block.timestamp in solidity) of the block where revoked state has been officially declared.
  • document_family is the index of the array where is stored the string value describing the family.
  • signature_version is the version of the Kernel which hosts signatures (for migration purposes)
  • revoked_reason is defined by operators when they push a revoke statement.
  • source is defined by operators when they push document. It is the location where we can find the document if it is public.
  • extra_data is defined by operators when they push document. It is a key-value field (param:value,param2:value2). It can be used to add extra information for automatic process, or to be compatible with newer Kernel Version.

Finding a Signature

To find a signature, you need its bytes32 code. To obtain it, just check the HASH_ALGORITHM string. By default, ULCDocKernel uses the document’s SHA3-256 hash.

mapping(bytes32 => Document) public SIGNATURES_BOOK;


Because mapping hashes its keys with a 32 bytes format, it is useless to use hash algorithms with more than 32 bytes, like for example ``SHA3-512``*.


constructor() public {
    HASH_ALGORITHM = "SHA3-256";


Bellow are the variables used by the smart contract for signature management:

uint256 public DOCUMENTS_COUNTER; // stat purposes only
string public HASH_ALGORITHM; //Essential Information to know how to hash files

string[] public DOC_FAMILY_LIST = ["Undefined",

// Stringified version to get all array in one .call()
string public DOC_FAMILY_STRINGIFIED = "Undefined,Diploma,Bill,Order,Letter,Publication,Code,Image,Audio,Video,Binary,Text";

mapping(bytes32 => Document) public SIGNATURES_BOOK;


Push Requests

Pushing a document is the first step to signing it with data. Then, other operators will only need to confirm it to make the signature effective. This is the same when revoking a document. If you do not want to add data to your signature, use confirm requests instead, as these are cheaper.

//Request to sign a document, and add data to the signature.
function pushDocument(bytes32 _SignatureHash, string memory _source, uint16 _indexDocumentFamily, string memory _extra_data) public atLeastOperator whenNotPaused notUpgraded{}

//Request to add a "revoked" statement on the signature, and add a reason for that (can be then displayed to clients).
function pushRevokeDocument(bytes32 _SignatureHash, string calldata _reason) external atLeastOperator whenNotPaused {}


When you use a push request on your Kernel (to sign it or revoke it), you automatically confirm it. So, if you use a simple signature Kernel (only one owner/operator needed to confirm the request), your request will accepted in only one transaction.

Confirm Requests

When dealing with kernels using multiple operators, only the first one needs to use a push request. Every other operator will only need to confirm that request by using one of the functions below (to sign or revoke a document). These functions can also be used by the first operator instead of the push functions. It won’t be possible to use the field extra_data, but it will result in cheaper transaction.

//Request to confirm a signature.
function confirmDocument(bytes32 _SignatureHash) public atLeastOperator whenNotPaused notUpgraded{}

//Request to confirm a revoke statement.
function confirmRevokeDocument(bytes32 _SignatureHash) external atLeastOperator whenNotPaused {}

Multiple Documents Requests

It is also possible to request multiple signatures with only one transaction. The only drawback is that you won’t be able to push documents with data, because we can’t use string arrays with standard ABI (but you will be able to set the document family as it is stored as an integer).

// Confirm mulitple documents
function confirmDocumentList(bytes32[] calldata _allKeys) external atLeastOperator whenNotPaused notUpgraded {}

// Push mulitple documents that have only a documentFamily set.
function lightPushDocumentList(bytes32[] calldata _allKeys, uint16[] calldata _allDocumentFamily) external atLeastOperator whenNotPaused notUpgraded {}


This function can be useful when building an application, but is not needed when signing documents.

//Return the size of the DOC_FAMILY_LIST array
function getDocFamilySize() public view returns(uint256) {}

Security about signatures


ULCDocument is designed to resist minority key stealing attacks, as long as you meet those requirements:

  • Attacker must have less than ownersForChange and operatorsForChange keys stolen
  • You must have at least ownersForChange keys available


If you are an organisation, do not give all your owner accounts to the same person!


Clean Compromised Accounts

First remove all compromised owners and operators using associated functions (see MultiRoles section).

Then, you need to have at least operatorsForChange available accounts.

Clean Requests

If an attacker started to sign documents (but can’t confirm it, as he does’t have enough accounts), then you need to clear it by using the clearDocument function below:

function clearDocument(bytes32 _SignatureHash) external atLeastOperator notUpgraded whenNotPaused {}


You can’t clear a document if it has already been signed or revoked.

If an attacker started to revoke documents you can also clear the request (and delete possible revoked_reason added with it) using the function below:

function clearRevokeProcess(bytes32 _SignatureHash) external atLeastOperator notUpgraded whenNotPaused {}


You can’t clear a document revoke request if it has already revoked.

If an attacker started to request a selfdestruct, you can clear the requester counter using the function below:

//note : only a compromised owner account can request kill().
function clearKill() external onlyOwner {}

Contest Other Operations

Owners can also use a lower level of cleaning by reseting every request that they want.

* @dev Delete the request queue for that action. Used to save gaz if there is a lot of owners or
for security purposes, to reset the action agreed counter.
function requestOwnerContest(bytes32 _doRequestContest) external onlyOwner {}

function requestOperatorContest(bytes32 _doRequestContest) external atLeastOperator {}


To reset a counter, you first need to know which request has been created by the attacker. Then you need to calculate the bytes32 hash of the request and call contester functions